Classes are not being offered at this time. Please check back soon.
Other: If there are other classes not found here that you would be interested in, please e-mail your request. I am always interested in teaching new classes and welcome your input on topics. Thank you for your interest.
General Information:
Cost includes snack, materials and kiln-firing services
Payment due at registration
Maximum size is 6-7 students
One makeup class offered each session..If no makeup is needed, an artist may pay extra for this class. (Excludes summer classes)
Classes are taught by grade level and may be repeated more than one year
Please note:
All clay classes are scheduled for 4 days for the construction; the final class devoted to finishing the artwork (glaze or paint...artist's choice) will follow at least 2 weeks later to allow for drying and firing time. Time and Day TBA.
Papier Mâché classes are scheduled for 4 days for the construction. The final class (at least 1 week later to allow for proper drying) will be used to paint and decorate the artwork. Papier Mâché classes may require "homework" to complete the necessary number of paper layers on an artwork. Note: Most children really like this type of homework!! I have a "no mess" technique which also makes it easy for parents. The perfect art to work on during the warm summer months!
Click here to view the Kid's Class Schedule for the SUMMER
Click here to view the kid's After School Schedule (available only during the regular school year)